пока не получила разрешения на цитирование и перевод, так что просто ссылка.

Уже получила, поэтому - вот кусочек, который так меня впечатлил.

H: It's amazing that you don't sleep

G: No, that's not it. If I'm asked 'Why don't you sleep?' then I'll answer 'Because I'm an average person'. If a real genius were to do the same things at the same time as normal people, they will be successful. However, when I started making music, I didn't think that I have any particular talent. I'm not skillful, I take more time than anyone else when we're doing the same thing so I wondered what I should do. I thought that if I work four times harder than them, I might be able to achieve double of what they can. So, I have no choice but to do it! I thought of where I can find the time and the only answer was to cut my sleeping time. From then on, I decided that I'll only sleep for three hours a day, spend most of my time working and the rest of it will be dedicated to playing to my heart's content. After I get tired from playing, I'll concentrate and go to sleep. I started doing that when I was 22 or 23. I don't sleep because I'm an average person.

H: There are a lot of mediocre people in the world who sleep (laugh).

G: An average person who sleeps continues to be an average person. I was originally an average person, but I have become an average person who doesn't sleeps. I'm a beyond-average person. In order to win, I first had to overcome my mediocrity. The phrase 'working hard' is my standard equipment now.

остальное - тут.

Огромное спасибо замечательной chikotori

Я ведь недавно примерно то же пыталась втолковать кое-кому по аське... но как-то... не могла толком сформулировать даже для себя, да и не была уверена, что это интересно собеседнику, поэтому разговор свернула.

Удивилась, да... Казалось бы, пора уже привыкнуть, но тут каждый раз - как первый. Не верю себе, видимо. А зря)
Впрочем, тут удивило даже не столько _что_, сколько _как_. Вот чтобы настолько без экивоков, напрямую... ыы.