Не рисковать – это всегда лучше. Но мы все равно рискнем… (c)
Вот, как раз сегодня думала, что давненько Гакт не вылезал в твиттер...)) Читаю сейчас переводы Амайи и ржунимагу xDD
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[Someone says they had a dream about taking YOU's underpants off him and wonders if it was a good dream or not]@.maao_gackt1018 I've never taken his underpants off… Though if it would get a good reaction, maybe I should. He always under reacts. Even if I took his pants, it'd end up like, "Whatta ya doin…?"
[Someone asks if he prefers missionary or cowgirl]@.mi_poyo23 Depends on the number of people you're with, right? Don't ask tasteless questions.
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[Someone says they had a dream about taking YOU's underpants off him and wonders if it was a good dream or not]@.maao_gackt1018 I've never taken his underpants off… Though if it would get a good reaction, maybe I should. He always under reacts. Even if I took his pants, it'd end up like, "Whatta ya doin…?"
[Someone asks if he prefers missionary or cowgirl]@.mi_poyo23 Depends on the number of people you're with, right? Don't ask tasteless questions.
Хорошая сессия, есть отличные перлы)))
ой, даже не заметила как через фы написала
На самом деле Гакт сказал, что если бы Ю выдал какую-нибудь прикольную реакцию, то он бы, конечно, хоть прям щас стащил бы с него штаны, но от Ю подобного ждать не приходится, ибо он похуист.